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We are dedicated...

6:14 Ministries is dedicated to helping churches gain vision and direction in order to establish practical practices for healthier ministry to current and future generations. 

We are designed...

We are designed to assist and support pastors and ministry teams at small congregations with understanding the cultural movements and ministry methods that reach upcoming generations, as well as encourage the endurance and perseverance of those who are already serving within such capacities. 

We are determined... 

At 6:14 we are determined to bring help and hope to smaller congregations. 

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What We Believe

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The Bible:

The Bible is the complete Word of God and is without error.

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The Trinity:

There is only one God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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The Nature of Mankind:

All men are sinners — fallen short of the glory of God — and deserve eternal separation from God. 

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The Savior:

Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, virgin born, and He can and does redeem those who believe in and follow Him as Lord and Savior. The only way to have a true and forgiven relationship with God is through Jesus' death and sacrifice on the cross where he paid for our sins. 

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The Resurrection: 

Jesus Christ arose from the dead after paying atonement for mankind's sins and He offers eternal life to all who believe in Him and commit their lives to follow Him. Salvation and eternal life are free gifts provided by grace alone and received through faith alone. 

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The Coming King:

Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven after His resurrection, and He will return in the future to redeem His own.

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The Church

We believe that the Church — both locally and globally — is the Bride of Christ and is meant to be the hope of the world until He returns in the flesh.