Our team is equipped to assist small and midsize churches in any of the following areas:

  • Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes to see what we cannot see for ourselves. Let our team of seasoned church pastors and leaders evaluate your church's goals, leadership, and staff efforts and then analyze how you are impacting your local community. We will make in-person visits to assess the fellowship dynamics of your congregation and we will use personalized ministry surveys to gauge church health.

  • Ministry is one of the hardest jobs in the world. On a good day, you might receive 20 criticisms for every one compliment. Our team understands. Many of us have been or still are in the trenches. We utilize counseling, consulting, personalized coaching, pulpit fill, and partnership to encourage pastors who are battling burnout, exhaustion, depression, and isolation. Our Executive Director Stan Givens — who has spent 40-plus years in ministry with over 20 of those as the lead pastor of a small church — is willing to coach and counsel with your pastor and/or leadership team. We are equipped to do Zoom calls and in-person visits  as needed throughout the year to encourage ministry leaders. 

  • Do your Sunday school teachers or church leaders need a better grasp on how to study Scripture? Let our team come in for a few sessions of "Unlocking Treasures" — a deep-dive class that will equip your men's and women's ministry leaders and small group leaders with the ability to look deeper into God's Word. This class always inspires leaders and congregants alike to study the Bible more often and in more educational ways. We would be happy to visit in-person and spend a weekend teaching your leaders and/or church family the elements of healthy Bible study methods. 

  • One of the clearest commands in all of Scripture is that we are to follow Christ and go make disciples of all nations. This means that, as believers, we have to be willing to talk with unbelievers about the work that God is doing in us and invite them to join us on our journey of faith. Let our team make an in-person visit to teach your leadership and/or congregants how to start informal discipleship that leads to formal discipleship relationships in the local community. 

  • The front door of the local church is digital. Without a social media presence [and a website], you are invisible to your community. Let us help you implement and establish a professional and engaging presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Need some training and coaching on how to maintain these platforms on a consistent basis? No problem. Our Communications Director, Josh Givens, will meet with you and your team for one-on-one coaching and/or training sessions until you feel comfortable with your new platforms.  

  • A few decades ago, church seekers would go to the local phone book to find a church. Now, they go to Google. Without a clean, modern, professional, attractive, and SEO-friendly website, your church will be invisible to your local community. Let us build a site for your church that will keep your members connected and informed while simultaneously serving as a draw factor for potential visitors. At 6:14 Ministries, we build and design sites through CloverSites by Ministry Brands. However, we are also happy to suggest and recommend several alternate platforms depending on your needs and budget — including, but not limited to, Tithely, Subsplash, The Church Co, and others. Our Communications Director, Josh Givens, is happy to meet with your team to explore the best fit and coach and train you from there. We are with you every step of the way.  

  • Launching a new church plant? Rebranding an already-established church? Let us help you develop a logo and branding guide and implement some digital and social media marketing strategies as you strive to reach your local community. We'll also help you develop an outreach game plan for a boots-on-the-ground approach. The local church is the hope of the world. It should not be a secret.

  • Churches that care for couples and families will have a lasting impact on the local community for several generations. At 6:14 Ministries, we are happy to make an in-person visit to implement and oversee a weekend or week-long conference designed to focus solely on key family values. Our "Building Healthy Relationships" conference is specifically designed for couples and is meant to identify four key foundations of healthy relationships as defined by Scripture. 

  • When the men of your church are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, the rest of the church thrives. Families get stronger. Kids become more interested in God's Word. We are happy to do men's events, conferences, bring in guest speakers, and spend time with your men's ministry leadership team working on ways to improve outreach and discipleship for the men in your church and in your local community.  

  • We have a support team with years of experience in student and children's ministry. We offer coaching in this area and can bring in a team for on-site and in-person training. We are happy to meet with your team by Zoom or on-campus as needed. 

  • Let us come alongside your leaders and volunteers to align their focus and values with healthy church life. Oftentimes an outside voice is needed to remind your staff and volunteers of things that you as a pastor have been teaching for many years. We love spending time training church leaders in core Biblical values and purposes that are specific to the New Testament model of a healthy church. 

  • No pastor should pastor alone and every Christ-follower needs a mentor and a peer with whom they can share the trials and dynamics of ministry life. We will connect you with our team and other longtime church leaders and pastors who can hear and understand what you are going through. 


At 6:14 Ministries, we're fueled by a passion for seeing the local church thrive.




Every year hundreds of churches close their doors and the vision of the spiritual men who founded those churches dies. But an effective local church is meant to be the hope of the world. It is designed to show the real and practical love of Jesus to its neighborhoods and communities. At 6:14 Ministries, we are passionate about encouraging pastors, leaders, and volunteers to follow the instructions of 2 Chronicles 15:7 — "Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."


Churches near and far

We work with churches in multiple locations spread across several states around the U.S. and we can't wait to connect with yours. Whether you're a start-up ministry, a new church plant, a contemporary or traditional model, we are glad to come alongside and offer our support and insights. If you would like for us to serve your church's unique needs, just contact us via e-mail, phone, or social media.



6:14 Ministries will visit your church on a predetermined date to meet with your pastoral staff and/or team of assistants and volunteers. It is our desire to facilitate a series of meetings or schedule a conference in order to discuss the topics that are relevant to your specific needs. Whether it's discipleship training, family and couples counseling, or digital media implementation, we are here to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to better reach your local community and connect with your congregation.